Arkansas Out of School Network hosted its annual “Lights on Afterschool” celebration event on October 22, 2020. The event recognizes the importance of afterschool programming in the development of today's youth. Tendaji CDC participated with a video submission highlighting Program I.M.P.A.C.T., our signature afterschool program.
Tendaji's video submission was among the celebration's winners and secured a donation that will assist in providing program supplies for students of Program I.M.P.A.C.T. We are still proud to be Making Things Happen in a virtual environment!
Arkansas Out of School Network is one of 38 statewide afterschool networks working to promote an expansion of school-based and school-linked afterschool programs serving children and youth ages 5-19. AOSN’s mission is to create safe, healthy and enriching experiences for Arkansas youth during out-of-school times. To learn more, click here.